Gallery Life In Osaka, Japan (01-06/2024) The 4th Floor “Random Diary #49”

We catch up with what’s been happening at the gallery over the last 6 months with a compilation of Reels posted on Instagram.

Video Information

Chat GP #1 “Call The Cops”

“A few years ago, the Osaka Prefectural Police set a new record amongst police forces in Japan, with the most officers arrested in a single year for corruption, with money being the main reason. The centre shape is the ‘asahikage‘, which is the symbol of the Japanese National Police Force, with the first character of Osaka (大阪), superimposed on top. The Yen signs around the sides are influenced by the style of the Japanese ‘hanko‘ stamp.”


Chat GP #4 “Sakuraboshi”

“This year, I reached my mid-fifties, and it got me thinking about all the ideas that I want to put into my future paintings, and also whether any of these paintings will exist after I am no longer here. This led to me considering the philosophical thought experiment, “if a tree falls in the forest, and there is no-one there to hear it, does it make a sound?”, and whimsically associating it with my own themes, especially my star-shaped cherry blossom “sakuraboshi”, and wondering if the flowers will continue to bloom when I’m not around to create them.

As an artist, I am intrigued by what I will leave behind and what will become of it. With this in mind, the centre circle depicting the scene with the tree is actually printed on wallpaper and glued to the panel, but the shadow is painted with acrylic paint. The reason for doing this, is that the printed material will fade over time if it is not protected or looked after, but the acrylic paint will not, and eventually only the shadow, which represents me, may remain. If that happens, then the answer to the question posed in the title of the piece could well be “no”, but I will not be here to see it, as this process, if left naturally, will take longer than what is left of my natural life.”


アーティストとして自分が残していくもの、そしてそれがどうなっていくのかに興味があるのです。 そんな思いから木のある風景を描いた中央の円部分は、実は壁紙にデジタルプリントをしてパネルに貼付してあるのですが、影はアクリル絵具で描いています。なぜそうするかというと、印刷物は放っておくと色褪せますが、アクリル絵具は色褪せないので、最終的に私を表す影だけが残るかもしれないからです。もしそうなれば、この作品のタイトルにある質問の答えは「ノー」かもしれません。しかし、それは私の寿命が尽きるまでの時間より長くかかるので、私がその場に立ち会うことは無いでしょう。

Chat GP #8 “IWD2024”

“During the first year of the pandemic, not only in Japan, but around the world, domestic violence rates increased significantly. There were almost daily reports of the abuse of women. Repurposed erotic toy figures from capsule machines were used to form a star with the chain in the middle coming from an SM figure. I use the star motif in almost all my paintings, as this symbol is easily understood by almost everyone and is used everywhere, and yet, people don’t know that this symbol has an ancient history and a much deeper meaning. I’m trying to draw attention to society’s growing apathy and the way that people increasingly take things for granted. The whole panel and the figures were then painted white.

The reason for this is that while I wanted the outlandish and unnatural proportions of the figures to bring attention to the continued exploitation of women and the pressures placed upon women, by society and the media, to look a certain way in order to be considered attractive, especially in a society which is still dominated by men, I also wanted them to look like “Milagros”, religious charms used for the process of healing. Red paint (blood) was added drop by drop, every day that there was a report on Japanese TV about domestic violence. It took two weeks to complete the red star in the middle, finishing with a representation of the Japanese flag.”

パンデミック最初の1年間に日本だけでなく世界中でDV発生率が大幅に増加し、女性への虐待が毎日のように報道されました。私は人々がパンデミックと言う有事における社会の出来事や問題に無関心になり、以前よりも増して不誠実な物事を当然だと思うようになっていることに注意を向けようと考えました。 この作品の外郭にある星モチーフはカプセルトイのエロチックなおもちゃのフィギュアパーツを、中央の星モチーフはSMフィギュアのチェーンパーツを再利用して星を形成しています。 多くの私の作品に星を描いているのは、誰もが星の形を知っていて多様な場所や場面に使われているのにも関わらず、そのシンボルについての古い歴史と深い意味があることを余りよく知られていないからです。


Chat GP #15 “Artist In Residence 2”

Chat GP #17 “The Fever Hold”

Chat GP #19 “Popé T”

カテゴリー: news